3-C Family Services is thrilled to announce that Social Skills Groups will now be available to children and adolescents!
The social world is a big, complicated place! We are all social navigators as we observe, gather, and make sense of the clues in different social contexts (settings, situations, and the people in them) to figure out the hidden expectations (sometimes called hidden rules) for expected behaviors, as well as to understand how we each feel and think about what others say and do in a situation. The aim of these Skill Groups is to teach social learners the power of observation, reading context, and interpreting clues to give them the tools, choices, and power to meet their social goals.
Our Skill Groups are composed of similarly aged peers with social skills challenges. Group size varies. The lessons in these skills group are designed to encourage children to learn new ways to think about themselves in relation to others. And that process will inevitably involve talking about behavior. The emphasis, however, is on thinking about how we all notice one another and how we share space together. The overarching goals of our social skills groups are to: build behavioral and cognitive social skills, reinforce pro-social attitudes and character traits, and build adaptive coping strategies for social problems.
Our facilitators are well trained, skilled, and experienced in teaching social skills and social thinking concepts, both individually and in group settings. Each of our social skills groups are centered on group learning exercises for enhancing social attention, communication, cooperation, and confidence. These groups are designed to improve social relationships, behavior, and emotional functioning.
Groups are composed of similarly aged peers with social skills challenges. Group size varies. The lessons in these skills group are designed to encourage children to learn new ways to think about themselves in relation to others. This process will inevitably involve talking about behaviors. The emphasis is on thinking about how we all notice one another and how we share space together. The overarching goals of our social skills groups are to: build behavioral and cognitive social skills, reinforce pro-social attitudes and character traits, and build adaptive coping strategies for social problems.
Our facilitators are well trained, skilled, and experienced in teaching social skills and social thinking concepts, both individually and in group settings. Each of our social skills groups is centered on group learning exercises for enhancing social attention, communication, cooperation, and confidence. These groups are designed to improve social relationships, behavior, and emotional functioning.
We are currently enrolling for our Spring skills group offerings. All Spring skills groups start in February 2025.
Clients interested in the programs should complete this Interest Form.
The purpose of the Interest Form is to gather contact information. It also contains additional information about group scheduling and pricing. After you submit the interest form, we will follow up with next steps, answer questions, collect additional information, and finalize enrollment.
We have a variety of programs to offer for varying ages and will work to match your child to the program most suitable for their specific needs.