The Psychology of Triggers, PTSD, and Mental Illness
The term “trigger” has been a hot topic recently. Take the debate over trigger warnings in academia, alerting students of content that could be harmful

Getting Started With Meditation
When you think of meditation, you might laugh! It conjures pictures of old white yogis or Buddhist monks with loud, constant chants. The reality is

Popular Myths About SSRIs
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), more commonly known as antidepressants, are often misunderstood. Sensationalized stories and stigma of mental health issues have contributed to their

Internalization vs Externalization
By Melanie McCabe, PhD “Is my child’s behavior typical?” is a question that is often asked when families have concerns about behavior or emotions. A

Staying Together Needs Kindness and Generosity
A 1992 experiment by John Gottman discovered that certain indicators on how couples interacted in their relationship could forecast which pairs would stay together and

Make Homework Time a More Positive Experience
By Sharon Leuenberger, PhD | Licensed Psychologist Summer has drawn to an end and the joy of relaxing is over. It is now time to