Top Mental Health Links | October
Beginning with this post, 3-C Family Services plans to pull together some of our favorite mental health articles, blogs, opinion pieces, and more from the

For Parents of Teens Who Cut Themselves (Self-Harm)
By Rebecca E. Matthews, Ph.D. | Psychologist What is cutting and why do teens do it? Cutting is a form of self-harm that is rising

Coping with Depression
About 1 in 10 adults in the United States experience depression. The most difficult thing about depression is that it affects every part of the

Attending College with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
By Kathryn North, LPA | Licensed Psychological Associate When your child was first diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the last thing on your mind

Marriage, Mayhem, and Madness
By Justin Parker, PhD | Licensed Psychologist & Educational Consultant Though you once played on the same team, divorce has you feeling like you’re playing

3-C Psychologist Co-Authors Guide with Collaborative Divorce Law Experts
Dr. Brian Mackey Co-Authors North Carolina Guide to Collaborative Divorce Proceedings Brian Mackey, PhD, lead psychologist of Families in Transition at 3-C Family Services in