Educational consulting is a specialized service that offers support and guidance to families who have concerns about all matters related to education. Educational consulting can facilitate identifying appropriate schools, specialized programs, resources in the schools and community, reviewing IEPs/504s, attending meetings, and preparing parents for interactions with school personnel at the school, county, or even state level. Educational consultants also consult with teachers, counselors, school psychologists, administrators, speech therapists, occupational therapists, county specialists, and county administrators. The members of the educational consulting team attend meetings at schools for formal meetings such as Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504, Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP), Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA), Manifestation Determinations, Due Process, and Tiered Interventions. Informal meetings are also attended with teachers, administration, and county-level staff, among others. The educational consultant team also works with lawyers if and when appropriate.
The members of the educational consulting team at 3-C hold master’s degrees in education or doctorates in school psychology. They have served in the public school system as special education teachers, special education directors, and school administrators. They have also been trained in the practices and policies of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and completed formalized training programs within the local school systems including Wake and Durham counties. This means they have been in hundreds of meetings in the schools and understand the school/county perspectives to best anticipate barriers and how to negotiate them. They can guide families through the overwhelming process of seeking supports, identifying resources, and identifying ideal educational environments. The end goal of the consultation is to help the family and school system communicate and work collaboratively, resulting in the best possible outcome for the child.
Educational consulting might help you if you need help with the following:
- If you are new to the world of special education
- Understanding the educational processes
- Making sense of all the acronyms of special education (FAPE, LRE, SDI, etc.)
- Navigating your child’s IEP/504
- Preparing for your child’s IEP/504 meeting
- Organizing your child’s educational paperwork
- Talking with school personnel
- Just want general support with all things school-related
Or if your child:
- Has a disciplinary history
- Has lower than expected grades
- Skips school
- Worries
- Dislikes or hates school/homework
- Is bullied, left out, or struggles with friendships
- Requires speech or occupational therapy
- Has IEP/504s
If you feel you may benefit from educational consulting, please contact the front desk to set up an intake.