Today, it is estimated one out of every two marriages will result in divorce. This is up significantly from 1950, when the divorce rate was about 22-24 percent. Why has the rate gone up so much in the last half century?
By 3cfs_Admin
Today, it is estimated one out of every two marriages will result in divorce. This is up significantly from 1950, when the divorce rate was about 22-24 percent. Why has the rate gone up so much in the last half century?
3-C Family Services, P.A.
P: (919) 677-0101
F: (888) 608-9661
Morrisville Office:
1 Copley Parkway, Suite 480
Morrisville, NC 27560
RTP Office:
1000 Park Forty Plaza, Suite 350
Durham, NC 27713